Day One and Day Two will focus on workshops that engage midwives in building their organisations and provide opportunities to enhance midwifery practice and build capacity within your association. Whether you’re part of a national midwives’ association, a regional or local branch, or a student organisation, these sessions are designed to support your growth and development.
All participants will be allocated into groups and scheduled to attend all six workshops.
Day Three will offer half- and full-day midwifery practice skills workshops, covering a variety of topics organised by ICM and its partners. These sessions will delve deeper into practical skills and advanced techniques, ensuring that participants leave with enhanced knowledge and capabilities to apply in their daily practice.
Ahead of the conference, delegates will receive an email prompting them to select the specific workshops they wish to attend on day three. Due to space limitations, registration for workshops on that day will be mandatory.
All workshops will be conducted in English.
Descriptions and information about the workshops below.
Day 1
Friday, 8 November 2024
Day 2
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Day 3
Sunday, 10 November 2024
If you select a full-day workshop, it will be the sole workshop you attend for the day, and you will not have the option to rotate through multiple workshops. Conversely, if you choose a half-day workshop, you will be required to attend an additional half-day workshop to complete your schedule.
Note: you will receive an email prior to the conference asking you to select your workshops.
How (anyone) can use data to advocate for midwives
Facilitator: Jessica White, Faridah Luyiga
Language: English
Advocacy for midwives and maternal health is most successful when it is powered by data. However, it is often difficult to find verified, credible information. This workshop will introduce participants to the power of the Global Midwives’ Hub, the information it holds, and how to use it for data-driven advocacy. It’s also an opportunity to share your advocacy success stories and midwifery data needs with ICM and shape the future of the Hub.
Stronger midwives’ associations for healthier women and babies
Facilitator: Shree Mandke, Martha Bokosi, Aigul Kasymova
Language: English
Evidence shows that strong and sustainable midwives’ associations help grow the profession, which means that mothers and babies have better outcomes. But, MAs need sustained funding and investment from different sources.
This workshop will introduce participants to the ‘Why Invest in Midwives’ Associations Policy Brief, which outlines who, how and why invest in MAs.
Making Midwife Models of Care Work
Facilitator: Sally Pairman
Language: English
Continuity of Midwife Care produces the best outcomes for women and their babies. However, midwives need an enabling environment to deliver continuity of midwife care effectively.
This workshop will enable participants to explore continuity of midwife care and the enabling environment that is necessary, including concepts such as autonomy, accountability, policy, integration, continuity, and midwife-led birthing centres.
Every midwife is a leader
Facilitator: Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Ann Yates
Language: English
Midwives and midwifery associations are often left out of formal decision-making spaces. This means midwives must often bring their own chairs to decision-making tables, and raise their voices to even be considered.
This workshop will introduce participants to different ways midwives can and should lead: formally, informally, cross-generationally, and more.
Midwives: Essential humanitarian responders
Facilitator: Neha Mankani, Liselotte Kweekel
Language: English
During and after a disaster there are almost always interruptions in reproductive and maternity services. Midwives are uniquely positioned, but not always prepared, to quickly mobilise and provide essential care for women and babies.
This workshop will present humanitarian response tools available to midwives through the experiences of others who have responded to these crises.
Good governance and healthy finances for midwives’ associations
Facilitator: Leefke Hinderlich, Nikkie Yeaman
Language: English
Running a midwives’ association, be it national, regional or for students, requires a skill set that midwives are often not taught or mentored in. These skills are essential for the success of the MA, which in turn is essential for the growth of a strong profession.
This workshop will guide participants through critical, but often missing topics such as good governance, financial management and membership engagement.
AIME 1: ICM Midwifery Competencies Digital Learning Tool
Facilitator: International Confederation of Midwives, Laerdal
Language: English
Full Day Workshop
Explore the 2024 update of the ICM Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice Learning Tool through a new hands on, peer-to-peer digital learning tool for midwifery students. The tool encourages students to practice their skills more often, using a safe, peer-to-peer environment, while providing midwifery teachers with flexibility and feedback on students’ progress. This workshop will introduce participants to the Learning Tool and provide an opportunity to explore how they can use it in their own teaching.
Day Three will offer half- and full-day midwife practice skills workshops, covering a variety of topics, organised by ICM and its partners. The list of workshops will be regularly updated, so be sure to check back for new additions!